I love milestones. Graduations. Anniversaries. New years. New months. New weeks. Anything that feels like a new start. I can usually find something to like about how I've been living or what I'm doing when I look back, but I can also always find things to improve.
I also love goals. If I'm not working towards a goal, my life feels stagnant, and that makes me sad.
So I want to set a couple March goals, of various categories:
1. Family: I think I average a call home about once every 2 weeks. And I talk to my sisters way less than that. I want to at least try to talk to my family once a week this month. I love them so much and I feel so much better about my life when I'm talking regularly to them.
2. Fitness:
a. Stay on track with my training for the April 10 half marathon. I'd like to not skip any runs, so that's what I'll work toward, but mentally I also want to work to be okay with it if life gets a little in the way every once in a while.
b. I'd like to lose some weight this month, as I'm still carrying around about ten extra holiday pounds. I try hard not to put too much emphasis on numbers, but I have jeans I can't wear right now, and I just feel less comfortable, so I'll be working on that.
3. School: Pass all the midterms coming up March 16-18. In theory, that doesn't sound hard, but I still feel like it's reason to celebrate if I pass each test cycle.
4. Boards:
a. Practice questions: I have 900 (of 2077 questions) left in the USMLEWorld Qbank, and I'd like to finish it this month, so I have time to go through it again before boards (May 27).
b. Doctors in Training (my prep course): Stay caught up. That means about 5 review questions per day.
I think that's enough to be getting along with.
At least the month started off right: Strawberry Overnight Oats with Cinnamon and Agave.
Mixed: 1/2 cup (39 g) oats + 2 oz. soy yogurt + 4 oz. almond milk - mixed and refrigerated overnight.
Added in the morning: Strawberries, 1/2 tbsp agave, cinnamon.
Breakfast of rushed champions.
Let's make it an awesome month.
Cannot believe it's March already but I'm ready to make it a great month! Your strawberry oats look purty :)
Hey there! Just came across your blog. I love overnight oats!
great goals! i think this will be a good month . . .
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