Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Golden Weekend

There's a thing in residency - the elusive Golden Weekend.

For many of our rotations we work 6 days a week, sometimes longer stretches, but it's definitely not common to have both weekend days off.

Thus, it's called a Golden Weekend. Depending on your program, working both weekend days might be a Black Weekend, and a regular 1 day on, 1 day off might be Gray or Brown, but we pretty much just use the Golden terminology.

Anyway, for the first time in several weeks at least - maybe 3 months? (not including vacation) I actually had a golden weekend built into my schedule.

When I'm working a schedule that gives me regular weekends, I think I don't appreciate them as much as when they are few and far between, but this weekend I really tried to make the most of it.

There were board games, breakfast out, hiking, biking, Church, long dog walks, some TV, a ton of cooking and Game of Thrones on Sunday with an ever-expanding group of friends, which makes it so much more fun.

I almost feel as though I've had a vacation.

So, sad though it was to return to work, I think I spent the time well and that made it feel easier to go back.

Breakfast at the Grove: Oatmeal with Strawberries

John got the pancakes. Apparently they were awesome.

PBJ flatbread on our hike.

And Luna feeling like we are so lame, why are we not still walking?

It's just about time to start another day, happy (belated) Easter and I hope that you had a good weekend too.

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