Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Faves 3/20/15

I've been skipping over Friday and missing Friday Faves the past couple weeks, so here's some favorites.

1. Things My Sisters Say
This one really just highlights me struggling both with wearing real clothes and texting, so there you go.

2. Music
I was not familiar with The Last Five Years until the movie that just came out [stars Anna Kendrick]. The music is great - a blend of funny and emotional. This is the first song from the musical. You can also listen to the whole thing on Spotify.

3. Snack or Meal
Nuttzo. There are like 7 different kinds of nut butters in here. It's from my vegan cuts box last month.

4. Lifestyle and Beauty
Hair change. I decided to go a little darker for a while. It looks a lot healthier too. This is "Dark Caramel Brown." Sorry my hair selfies always turn out creepy.


5. Recipe
Chocolate Covered Katie's Avocado Creme Brulee. I have several avocados from my latest bag from Costco and I think this looks so good.

[Photo is hers]

Happy weekend!

Thanks for reading, see you soon.

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