Friday, April 15, 2011

April Goals: Week 2

But first a little food love:

Veganomicon Lasagne Marinara. This combines a homemade marinara with a tofu-ricotta spinach layer that's satisfying and so delicious. I followed the recipe exactly, but added a layer of cooked yellow squash and carrot. This is SO good. Definitely a new favorite recipe.

Berry Banana Oatmeal. I took a test this morning, this was good brain fuel. I think I passed, but the scores can always shock me.

I love how much of a creeper the plant is in this picture. 

I should have stirred - there's a pile of berries under those cooked oats. 

I'm also almost out of frozen berries, so sometime this weekend we may go to Costco. I can only afford my berries in bulk, so it's nice that my roommates have Costco cards and are willing to take me sometimes.

Every month I try to set goals (and actually evaluate them, some months that goes better than others.) This month here's how we're going along.

April Goals

1. Family: Talk to them every week.
   I called home on Wednesday and got Mom, Dad, Emma and Nicola all in one call. I also talked to Emma on Monday - it was her birthday. Happy birthday Emma!
  I missed Shannon this week - sorry Shannon - but I know she's keeping up with my life because sometimes she leaves me lovely comments here. Ok, this week I'm really going to talk to everyone.

2. Fitness
   a. Enjoy half marathon. It really was lots of fun. Recap here.
   b. Strength training 3x/wk. I haven't really started this yet. I did one good strength training sesh and some yoga this week, but it's been very much a rest week.

3. Boards
  a. Doctors in Training Review Questions 5/day: One day behind, I'll be caught up this evening. 
  b. Qbank questions 150/wk: I did a few less this week, but it did finish the Qbank, so that means I've done over 2000 total. Let's be excited about that. Now if only I could get some right...
  c. First Aid Review 90 pg/wk: Not so much. Really must work on this. 
  d. Pathology or Physiology Review 60 pg/wk: I think I did 10? Boards kind of took a backseat to the test I had today this week, but I'm working on getting back on track. 
  e. 1 USMLE Practice Test - 200 questions. I did this on Tuesday. I am not ready for Boards, let's just put it that way. 

4. Food Expense Tracking. 
  a. Groceries: $91.16 so far this month. 
  b. Coffee Shops: $7.35
  c. Restaurants: $107.56
  d. Total: $206.07
    Wow. This is why I'm not buying clothes right now...I'm trying to offset the food expenditures. But it's all right I guess, when cooking's one of my only hobbies.